Sunday, August 2, 2009


Well, basically...
This special day is actually devided to two different situation, 2 different feelings de!
First one is the morning session,
even though its last minutes practice,
Last 3 hours just like what i did with esther,
We manage hit our target(even though maybe just lucky XD)
haha-------1st wor---- wakakak~
but yet, its still a good memory. thanks ya wen hui~
Here it goes, the competition started at 8 but i woke at 5 so it already make me tired cuz friday me po li and mei kei went pasar seni to do our class shirt so its really drive me nuts, plus the whole singing session make me feel so worry and AMY who comes to our school to be the judges really give me pressure lar @.@ however, at last we also took some pic with her and shouted while her singing~
But everything ended up at 3.
SO i quickly rush to leisure mall to eat my "pan min" cuz i haven't took my breakfast yet der~~
Thn go back as usual, who know i hav to accc my bro fetch my cousin to mid valley which located just the same road everyone using to the place to protese.
=_=" damn it... that moment really crazy lar... waited for 2 hour man...

And when im home after every mess end up, its like 5.15?
So i quickly shower and prepare to annual dinner which i tot i suppose wait at school at 6 -.-"
And so, while i wearing, i receive the call saying that everyone is waiting me -.-"
god man...
thn rush to school lor...haha~ but luckily, nooone scold me XD
when we reach the hotel by bus,
the hotel is bravo and nice!
when we reach, everyone is bz taking picture and all those stuff.
hahaha~ than start eating and stuff~
and even it is short moment, with everyone there~ it is warm. :)
and Flamingo Hotel(if im not mistaken :P) have a really really nice scene!
I love to lake there~ especially at night XD
Things just suddenly become so peaceful and the environment is really really cozy.
However, its pretty tiring. my eye bag is so obvious @.@
"im so happy to enjoy with the princess" dunno quoted from where der :P
wakaka~ but really lar, i do enjoy this day~ haha~
enjoys the photo session with " so call- the princess" XD(like yes like that)

Here is a few pic sample~

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