Friday, May 1, 2009

My own thought

today i had a random thought.
Just very simple theory that everyone with mouth can say,
Appreciate every u know in your life.
And always tell yourself, i'm thanks to meet him instead of why him?
um.. one more random thought.
Sometimes what u can see with your naked eye wasn't true,
Don't judge a person, not because of its shell, not because of its cover,
But its past. everything changes. nothin will stay forever.
but i believe a true love and friendships can stay forever. :)
I deeply appreciate every friends that help me in my 17 life journey.
Even u r just a guess through in my life for a day,
I believe thats what we called 缘分.
Hmm... Esther, when u see this pose,
I wanna say thanks. I really miss the talk that night.
I'll miss you.. and hope we can both fight for an excellent result! :D

Here is a songs that i've been falling in love for theses few days. hope i got some friends who have a some favor. i know im kinda outdated but i love the lyric so much.


我踩著梦的阶梯 走进了 一座迷雾森林
谁的心事 被天使窃听 泛起涟漪

时间它帮我设计 下一秒 谁是神秘嘉宾
小心翼翼 揭开了面具 掌声鼓励

谁闯进我的场地 谁让我措手不及
我早就预备的剧情 你却给我一笔
狡猾地 致命地正中我红心

我跟谁变得亲密 谁逐渐离我远去
华丽演出共襄盛举 唯有你的背影

你按了我的门铃 我终于 从呵欠中苏醒
紧张兮兮 对你说一句 欢迎光临

全场观众都离席 剩下我 还在原地寻觅
耳边听着 谢幕的歌曲 走不出去

谁闯进我的场地 谁让我措手不及
我早就预备的剧情 你却给我一笔
狡猾地 致命地正中我红心

我跟谁变得亲密 谁逐渐离我远去
华丽演出共襄盛举 唯有你的背影

我搬到谁的隔壁 谁成了我的邻居
鸣谢生命有你参与 笑纳我的邀请
曲终人散却写下不会结束 的结局

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