Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Journey and memories During NY :)

A THings I will proudly to SHARE! My daddy SUPERB driving SKILL! LOL~
First of all! these drinks made me increases 2KG!!! -.-" but i'll surely miss them a lot XD~
Okay... here comes da first day! I'm superb happy seeing all my couzie back and i just get my ROKR S9!! i just love the day~okay... it's actually a seafood -.-"

Cute?? i mean my uncle. he's nice. haha~
Okay~ let me introduce her. Woan Woan! :)
And Her Sis-- Ni ni(Jamie) :)
Woan+Ni+ME+Zi Hao(A future engineer) XD
The Most tasty dinner we had in IPOH! see how happy and charmin we are?? :P
Cute or Devil?? :P
Okay. as a conclusion..
I really really had a lotza fun here in ipoh! (although i get scolded once becuz i wear black once :P)
But time pass bloody fast! da holiday which every chinese love da most passed.
After Tonight, we'll may not meet our cousin in a short while.
After Tonight, We May not have the chance to chat with them.
So.. we ought to appreciate every moment of our life.
No matter it nice, or bitter.
LASTLY~ 祝大家牛年发大财!2009 yeah!
(actually there is tons more of pic. But i'm really lazy to upload. perhaps i'll upload when da mood come XD)
p.s~ Ni,Woan,Zi HAo. I'll Miss u guys!

Monday, January 26, 2009


i WaNT Myy PHotO~!
When U Ccann sEnd IT to MiiEE~

I LooVE IppOH!!
THOsEe Food HEreE iS FreakINg NICE!!
And I REAllise IF i dn exercise... I Will Have A TUmMY SoOoN XD

LasStly, In ThIss YEAR~
WisSH Everyone 牛年发大财!万象更新!
IF u can't.... Listen Tto MY FM AlBbum!
ITs SOo Nice XD
IT just Brighten UuP MY NEw YeAr!
Thanks To MyyY FriEnD TOO YAa!

Friday, January 23, 2009


after a tiring period!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a bad week~

i'm goin to be insane this week! freaking tired.
oh ya... i realise this week many misunderstanding happened wo.
anyone misunderstood me, pls... i can explain ^^

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Crazy Stuff!

                               THE FREAKY COCKROACH! I HATE EM'

Yesterday night, me and my bro was running at the famous The Garden at night 10.30~
After reach home at 11 somethin, i slept on da floor with my towel covered.
I waken by my bro to eliminate a freaking cockroach. -.-"

This morning when i'm eatin dim sum with my family, i saw 小强在肥皂里冬眠。  
I went to eat shogun with  my family until my stomach like a balloon.
Bought a singlet with da wrong size.
I ask to change it, da stupid worker give me a wrong type singlet and i realised it after home-.-"

Now... i don't feel good.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I felt so so freaking relief to make a turning point!
-.-" its a very complicated story but... 
Lets talk about today... i did something instead of nothing.
But the point is...  I really have fun today!
This few things i did today-
1.)chattin with jesse and using mobile phone at school -.-".
2.)Helping someone to find someone.
3.)Try to promote valentine stuff.
5.)Accidently made my friend sad. :(
6.)Fitness first :)
7.)Take pic

Ivan, Chin.. I'm sorry. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hit The Beat!

I'm on the way to hit my target in this week~
not on study.
not on singing.
I felt kinda satisfied and i also felt ....... once again tired... 


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thanks ya~

Firstly,I realise i really say good bye with da "I'm tired" dy leh!! hah~!
2nd, Thanks ya dear egg! thanks for da drink.
3th, Thanks ya AY! thanks for da CD!!
4th, I HATE U,U,U and U!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

YesTerday, Today, Tomorrow!

                                                You Rocks !!! Love u babe!

Okay~ I finally had some time to post! XD
errm... just feelin to share some of my feelings~
Yesterday- Freaking tired and depress.
I'm really disappointed and angry with my mistake and i'll surely correct it!
Today-Freaking tired too! and very peak day~
haha~ can't believe myself never said a "I'm tired" for the entire day even after a superb gym session!!! XD
Tomorrow- well, I guess it will be freaking tired day again :P and very nice day! 
Conclusion... I nEeD ReSt!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

SinGing AgAiN~ XD

I'm Going To sing Again!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Be With Me~ :)

U used to be with me when im lonely..
be with me when im happy..
be with me when im depress..
IT used to be with me.....
But where are U now when i needed the most in this very important year... :'(
i dun wanna express anything wrongly ANYMORE~
And i want support from u guys.
i hope  to be with me.
Right now, at this moment, at 2009~!