Saturday, October 24, 2009

11.23PM saturday, oct 24

all i can say is, i feel really not good. so not good.
feel like scolding -_-"
can anyone do some charity? let me scold a while?
im tired of caring others.
im tired of helping others.
can i get some help?!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Everyone who can save me~ pls rescue me from the exam~ its really killing -.-"
Can i stop suffering like this~ haih~

Monday, September 14, 2009

ipoh trip -.-"

XD like yes like that~

The way i study :P

n um... nothin much lurr... just eat a lotssza food~ -.-"

guess which donuts i'll choose? :P

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sinopsis Of Novel ~ THE PEARL

Sinopsis Of Novel ~ THE PEARL


Kino awakes at dawn. He watches his son sleeping in a “hanging box”. He sees his wife who is already awake. Juana begins to prepared breakfast. It is a prefect morning and contented. He hears “The Song of the Family”.

Kino then sees a movement near the “hanging box”. A scorpion moves slowly down the rope supporting the box. Kino thinks of the “Song of Evil”- the music of the Enemy. Kino stands still ready to catch the scorpion. However Coyotito cries out in pain. Kino grabs the scorpion. He beats and stamps it “rubbing it into a paste”. He does this until the scorpion becomes only a “moist place in the dirt”. This shows Kino to be a very violent man who cannot control his anger.

Juana cares the baby in her arms. She finds the bite and quickly sucks out the poison. Kino stands around helplessly. The baby’s scream alerts the neighbors. Kino’s brother Juan Thomas, his fat wife Apolonia and their 4 children come running. Everyone knows how dangerous a scorpion bits can be. Kino looks at Juana and realizes what a strong woman she is. Juana calls for doctor. Everyone tells her that the doctor will not come to the houses of poor people. She then decides to take Coyotito to the doctor.

Seen a procession leads to the doctor’s house. The beggars from the church also join in. At the gate, a native Indian opens the gate. The fat lazy doctor is having his breakfast in bed. He wants to know what money Kino has. All Kino has is “8 misshapen pearls” which are “valueless”. The guard tells Kino that the doctor is not at home. Kino feels humiliated. He is so angry he hits his fist on the fate and hurts himself.


This chapter begins with a description of La Paz. It is situated on an estuary. The most important possession of the people here are the canoes.

That morning, a hazy mirage hangs over the Gulf. In such a situation, “there is no certainty in seeing, no proof that what you saw was there or was not there”.

Kino and Juana come down the beach. The canoe that Kino owns is the “one thing of value he owned in the world”. It has been handed down to him by his grandfather. A canoe is the “bulwark against starvation”. A person with canoe will never starve.

Juana lays Coyotito on a blanket and protects him from the hot sun. Coyotito’s face is “puffy” and “feverish”. Juana has put a poultice- a traditional remedy on Coyotito’s shoulder.

On the sea Kino hears 2 songs: the Song of the Pearl That Might Be and the Song of the Undersea. Kino gets underwater with the help of a heavy rock. He sees a clump of oysters. Through its shell, he sees a “ghostly gleam”. Kino’s heart begins to beat fast. Slowly, he forces the oyster loose. He holds it tightly against his breast. He then kicks his foot free from the rock and gives up to the canoe.

Juana helps him into the canoe. She knows he is excited but she pretends to look away. “It is not good to want a thing too much. It sometimes drives the luck away”.

Kino then begins to open up the oysters. He keeps the large one for the last. He is afraid what he saw may just an “illusion”. “Open it,” Juana says. He carefully opens it with his knife. In the oyster lays “the great pearl, perfect as the moon”. It was as large as a seagull’s egg. It was the greatest pearl in the world”. Juana catches her breath and moans. Kino holds the pearl in his bruised first. At the same time, Coyotito’s swelling is going down. He unable to control his emotions. Kino puts his head back and howls. All the other canoes come racing towards him.


The news of the pearl travels fast through the village. The priest hears of the pearl and wonders how he can benefit from it. When the doctor hears of the pearl, he lies that Kino is his “client”. Everyone becomes interested in the pearl. The shopkeepers want to sell Kino their old clothes. The beggars hope that Kino will be generous to them.

Kino and Juana are not aware of what people thinking. They think that everyone shares their joy. Kino has a vision of what he plans to do with his new fortune.
-He wants to get married in church.
-He wants to buy new clothes.
-He wants to buy a harpoon and a riffle.
-He wants to send his son to school.

Education for his son is very important to him because Kino knows that it is only through education that they can break out of their cycle of poverty.

The priest visits them and reminds them of their duty to the church. The doctor also comes visiting. Kino is very angry at seeing the doctor. The doctor puts fear into Kino when he says that a scorpion sting can have a very “curious” effect. Out of fear, Kino allows him to see Coyotito. The priest takes out a “white powder” from his bag, puts it into a gelative capsule and stuffs it into the baby’s mouth. He promises to return in an hour.

When the doctor is gone, the baby gets very sick. As promised, the doctor returns in an hour and gives Coyotito an anti-dote. The evil doctor had in fact poisoned the baby. Before leaving, he asks for payment. Kino says that he will pay the doctor once he has sold his pearl. The doctor pretends to surprised at the news of the pearl. Through the “flick” of Kino’s eyes, Kino gives away the hiding placed the pearl.

At night, Kino hears noises in his hut. He grabs his knife and goes out. He is attacked and hurt. The attacker escapes. Juana pleads with Kino to get rid of the pearl. She says that “this thing is evil”. “It will destroy us all …… even our son”.

Kino refuses to listen. He says that, “this is our one chance … … our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in”. It is only through education of Coyotito that they can ever get out of the cycle of poverty.


In La Paz, everyone knows that Kino is going to sell the pearl that morning. The neighbors talk about what they would do if they had the pearl.

Before leaving to sell the pearl, Juan Tomas warns Kino and Juana against the people who have been cheating them all their lives. Kino also knows that people who try to leave their “station” will be punished. The whole neighbors follow Kino and Juana to the town because if they don’t go, it will be a sign of “unfriendship”.

The pearl buyer inspects the pearl and says that it is only “fools gold”. It has no value. He offers 1000 pesos. Kino says his pearl worth 50000 pesos. Other pearl buyers are called. The first two don’t want it. The third man offers 500 pesos. Kino snatches the pearl and says that it is not for sale.

That night the neighbors discuss whether Kino has done the right things. Kino decides to sell his pearl in the capital. At the same time he is afraid of going to town – a place he has never been to.

That night Kino hears sounds outside his house. He takes his knife and goes out. Juana follows. She finds him bleeding. Once again she tells him that the pearl is evil. It will destroy them. They must throw it away. Kino is stubborn; he refuses to listen to her.


Kino feels some movement near him. Juana gets up silently from beside him. Kino watches her go out the door way. Kino begins to feel very angry. He knows Juana is going to the shore to throw the pearl away.

Kino chases Juana. Then he strikes her in the face with his clenched fist. He kicks her in the side. Juana does not fight back. Her husband is “half-insane, half-god” to her.

While walking back from the beach, Kino is attacked again. The attacker tries to find the pearl on Kino. In the fight, Kino kills the attacker. The pearl falls on the ground.

Juana gets up and follows Kino. She finds the pearl. She helps Kino up. She hides the dead man. Kino knows that his life has been charged forever. He orders Juana to fetch Coyotito and all the corn they have. Kino finds his canoe destroyed. He rushed home to find his house on fire. They go to Juan Tomas’s house where they hide for the night. They leave people with impression that they have died in the fire.


As Kino and Juana travel northwards, Kino feels excited. As they walk they keep covering their tracks so that no one will follow them. Juana wonders whether the pearl has any value after all. When they stop to rest during the day, Juana does not sleep. Suddenly, they heard noises. Kino gets up to investigate. He notices 3 trackers – one is on horseback. As the trackers pass by, they do not see Kino.

Kino and Juana escape into the mountains. Kino orders Juana to keep Coyotito quiet. All of them hide in a cave near a stream. While hiding in the cave, Kino finds that the trackers are already by the stream. Kino takes off his white clothing so that he will not be seen. The trackers hear Coyotito crying – they think it is a coyote pup. As the tracker prepares to shoot what he thinks is a coyote, Kino pounces on him. He grabs one of the tracker’s rifle and shoots him between the eyes. He stabs the other with his knife. The third tracker escapes up the cliff towards the cave. Kino shoots him. Kino stands silently and hears nothing but cry of death. Coyotito had been shot.

Kino and Juana arrive back in La Paz. Kino carries a gun while Juana has in her hands a bundle – the dead Coyotito. No one speaks to them. They walk directly to the sea. As they reach the shore, Kino remembers seeing Coyotito lying in the cave with his head shot. Kino throws the pearl away.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Random XD


Sunday, August 30, 2009

i love my dad :)

i love my great man~ he is my dad!
anyway, here's a photo which i took with his cake XD

Monday, August 24, 2009

I will fulfill our promise and never sleep at half way again -_-"
Sorry :(

Saturday, August 22, 2009


well, basically, this day is special :)
nothin much wana share cuz its too damn long for me to share~
but just wanna say that the journey is soo nice~!
as usual, reach school, party started,
help to fired up the bbq~
hurt my face~
raining~ i won my bet ^^
someone owe me a week of lunch :P
and something else XD
umm... play with rain~
made Eric felt down~ ( so so sorry )
eat my potatoes!
go mamak~
Play like nuts while eatin~
play my saliva contain water =_="
play with dogs~
go back school~
Have a special talk with yen~ :)
Well, i was wrong to keep saying horror stuff :P
And home~~!

JUST~ miss this day~

Monday, August 17, 2009


i finally know WHY~
i know why i sing every second and every minutes.
not cuz im talent, not cuz i like to perform as well,
but it is the only thing that i felt which it can accompany me every second :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dun Laugh XD

Err, just some sharing.
WHO have the superb weird taste bud,
Invented by daniel and ricky =_="

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How deep you understand?

Arrh~~ i fail to achieve xXxx~
These few days in school, almost every prefect is discussin about the new ajk stuff.
I dun think i can understand how they think about it but,
Even though whatever position u get, wasn't u gaining somethin that others don't?
Everything is fate.
Think about the argument, the silly thought that makes you wasting your time now and compare yourself to those poverty, victim, who are suffering from death? aren't u really that suffer? :)
Dun blame and demand more and more.. there is always ppl who is worse thn u.
Since they can just swallow the pain, why we-city ppl can't?
Things will never had an end. What u hav is what u deserve.
If u have the potential, somday u will have a better chance :) now, everything is just a small test.
Aiyo, secondary school only mar~
Why everyone hav to think till so serious?? @.@
i really dun understand....

我 :)

但, 回忆还是美好的。。
每当想起或看起那些短片,我真的回到以前了 :P

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Well, basically...
This special day is actually devided to two different situation, 2 different feelings de!
First one is the morning session,
even though its last minutes practice,
Last 3 hours just like what i did with esther,
We manage hit our target(even though maybe just lucky XD)
haha-------1st wor---- wakakak~
but yet, its still a good memory. thanks ya wen hui~
Here it goes, the competition started at 8 but i woke at 5 so it already make me tired cuz friday me po li and mei kei went pasar seni to do our class shirt so its really drive me nuts, plus the whole singing session make me feel so worry and AMY who comes to our school to be the judges really give me pressure lar @.@ however, at last we also took some pic with her and shouted while her singing~
But everything ended up at 3.
SO i quickly rush to leisure mall to eat my "pan min" cuz i haven't took my breakfast yet der~~
Thn go back as usual, who know i hav to accc my bro fetch my cousin to mid valley which located just the same road everyone using to the place to protese.
=_=" damn it... that moment really crazy lar... waited for 2 hour man...

And when im home after every mess end up, its like 5.15?
So i quickly shower and prepare to annual dinner which i tot i suppose wait at school at 6 -.-"
And so, while i wearing, i receive the call saying that everyone is waiting me -.-"
god man...
thn rush to school lor...haha~ but luckily, nooone scold me XD
when we reach the hotel by bus,
the hotel is bravo and nice!
when we reach, everyone is bz taking picture and all those stuff.
hahaha~ than start eating and stuff~
and even it is short moment, with everyone there~ it is warm. :)
and Flamingo Hotel(if im not mistaken :P) have a really really nice scene!
I love to lake there~ especially at night XD
Things just suddenly become so peaceful and the environment is really really cozy.
However, its pretty tiring. my eye bag is so obvious @.@
"im so happy to enjoy with the princess" dunno quoted from where der :P
wakaka~ but really lar, i do enjoy this day~ haha~
enjoys the photo session with " so call- the princess" XD(like yes like that)

Here is a few pic sample~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

stay the same.

This songs inspire me really really a lot.
love yourself because there's nothing better to be yourself :)
don't compare, don't hate, don't envy, don't demand.
what u have now is the best and we really ought to appreciate what we have by now.
Fate changes anytime and we can do it cuz it is hold by our hand :)
Think positive, optimistic, rational and be honest to yourself.
Don't get disturb by others and don't do silly stuff for just someone..

Everything is right :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Human's Hands~

Well, i got nothin to say much here but i'm here to share something,
its kinda lame but i heard this quote in a drama movie.
it says, human's hand is a gift of god, but yet.. it is a very special one.
"When the others is greeting u politely with their right hand, the might hiding a evil punch at their left hand.."

:) Do everything and treat everyone real and 100%??
Not really...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

no. i dun want it.

can i rest? :''(

Friday, July 10, 2009

-Be lie ve-

I gain true trust, not a believe which sandwich a lie.

And, to all form five students. its time for last three months wars.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Run towards your dream!!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Well, friends forever!! u rocks XD
May all your dreams come true, filial son and a good friend.

Friday, May 29, 2009

29-5-09 / teacher day / big show

It's really such a loooong time i've never update my blog.
Today, it's really fun n enjoyable for me.
First of all, to any teacher who did view mt blog, HAPPY TEACHER DAY!
Teacher, if u never will to be this very important part in every life of teenager, we will never grow up. Grow up. This is a song which will always pop up in my mind, i love the song, i love the meaning and memory of it :)
Okay, today, i really really felt whats call "chillax" XD
Today is the very important day because today, we are goin to threw out our 2 days speed rehearsing performing to every great teacher in the great school- Connaught High School.
Well, at first when i reach school, of cuz very busy walk here and there, after that gotta practice de lar, and i can sure that my sweat flow like water pipe today.
But, there is also a fun part that i've love.
When everyone is in the hall watchin "coming soon" which is a horror movie. It is soo funny to see different expresion. Of cuz, i did enjoy the movie too (even i just watched a bit XD)
Why i didn't watched it all?? hah~ to accompany a pig who haven't done her geo assignment lar..
Anyway, i like the moment :) thanks ;)
Yesterday, the pig want me to help her do the cover wo... :P but i voluntary de lar XD
Hah, made me so panic tim, worry u will say ugly, who knows vise versa :P
Now only i realise i really got the potential XD
U better sleep earlier la, everyday sleep so late =) holiday dy lar.
ANd um... deng deng deng deng!
(a little suspense for the reader XD)
It's the ... rehearsal on stage luu!!
Everyone is kinda panic because we never really tried to perform at stage der..
But, the effect was not too bad =)
Everyone was sooo so happy and we really very bring out the quote :"win to gether, lose together, TEAMWORK"
Though the real performing wasn't really that good as the PA system got a bit problem but it was my fault too because i forgot the lyric XD
I never really panic and it is the other way rounf, everyone enjoy it :)
Eric enjoy his drum and her attention,Catherine enjoy her piano and sub vocal like his husband XD, Jeremy enjoy his guitar and sub vocal, yew chung enjoy his guitar and 'coolness', Jessy enjoy his guitar and the very fascinating bridge, Rachel enjoy her very important bass guitar which she is really a important role :) Where, me-I enjoy the sing and fun though i really forgotten the lyric till just mumbling :P
After we end the concert XD, teachers giving really good feedback and say, I'm proud of u =) because we are singing 2 songs- you can who is sprcially edited by my best best friend, aunyee and esther thoo. Thanks you too :) sorry to disappoint u too XD i will try my best next time!
After school, we went to maideen for a super crazy 'crapping lunch' hah~ it was fun!
Everyone attened but jesse is busying with somethin else :P
I"m HaPpY!!

here is some of our picture~ :)

Everyone is having fun =) oh yaa, try to find for my bottle in the pic XD hah~

Everyone! and....Narcissi me :P

Thursday, May 28, 2009

my current fav songs XD, although i dunno how long this songs can bring me the feeling. :P

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Monday, May 4, 2009

Everyone, pls don't ever forget this phrase. it's more than true.
Even someone who is smart will make mistake and..
It's time to refresh simple knowledge within yourself dy..

Friday, May 1, 2009

My own thought

today i had a random thought.
Just very simple theory that everyone with mouth can say,
Appreciate every u know in your life.
And always tell yourself, i'm thanks to meet him instead of why him?
um.. one more random thought.
Sometimes what u can see with your naked eye wasn't true,
Don't judge a person, not because of its shell, not because of its cover,
But its past. everything changes. nothin will stay forever.
but i believe a true love and friendships can stay forever. :)
I deeply appreciate every friends that help me in my 17 life journey.
Even u r just a guess through in my life for a day,
I believe thats what we called 缘分.
Hmm... Esther, when u see this pose,
I wanna say thanks. I really miss the talk that night.
I'll miss you.. and hope we can both fight for an excellent result! :D

Here is a songs that i've been falling in love for theses few days. hope i got some friends who have a some favor. i know im kinda outdated but i love the lyric so much.


我踩著梦的阶梯 走进了 一座迷雾森林
谁的心事 被天使窃听 泛起涟漪

时间它帮我设计 下一秒 谁是神秘嘉宾
小心翼翼 揭开了面具 掌声鼓励

谁闯进我的场地 谁让我措手不及
我早就预备的剧情 你却给我一笔
狡猾地 致命地正中我红心

我跟谁变得亲密 谁逐渐离我远去
华丽演出共襄盛举 唯有你的背影

你按了我的门铃 我终于 从呵欠中苏醒
紧张兮兮 对你说一句 欢迎光临

全场观众都离席 剩下我 还在原地寻觅
耳边听着 谢幕的歌曲 走不出去

谁闯进我的场地 谁让我措手不及
我早就预备的剧情 你却给我一笔
狡猾地 致命地正中我红心

我跟谁变得亲密 谁逐渐离我远去
华丽演出共襄盛举 唯有你的背影

我搬到谁的隔壁 谁成了我的邻居
鸣谢生命有你参与 笑纳我的邀请
曲终人散却写下不会结束 的结局

Thursday, April 23, 2009

my fault. again and again!!!!

my fault??
yea. it seems its my fault again.
just blame everything on me and u will never wrong thing, not even one.
And I finally realize SILENT IS A VERY RUDE
U r the angel and im the devil.


Sunday, April 19, 2009


well, this is the history for studying history. XD
To get a good result in history...
We must...
not really.

Do more practice??
Kind of.

Memorize -.-??


Friday, April 17, 2009

Wrong! too wrong for u to make this stupid thought.
Neither a simple sorry or words con apologise.
I'm pissed!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Carnival, Chin 'day! (postpone) :P

Feel like getting one for urself?? :D

Err... seriously, this shot makes the bread looks like a golden bread!!

Okay, here it goes! this things causes me to sick for dunno how many N days~ -.-"

Nah... The crowd looks so excited -.-"

Biiang -.-"

Woosh!! see.... tis thingy really cold man...

Chin actin emo :P haha~ its a forcing shot actually.

D.I.C...... where is esther??!

WEll, thankx for jia jun. Da name is soo weird XD

JJ and b'day girl.


Uncle Ooi yee~ XD

The Melvin~ haha


And finally..... I'm home XD